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Legal Guide for Cryptocurrency Investors - What You Need to Know

Legal Guide for Cryptocurrency Investors - What You Need to KnowCryptocurrencies have captured the public’s imagination, becoming one of the most widely discussed financial innovations in recent years. If you follow news on crypto, you can see there are a lot of things happening in this field each day. The fact is, we’re still in the early days of this new digital asset class, and the regulatory landscape around it continues to evolve. As a result, it can be challenging for individuals who want to... ❯❯❯

Mobile Apps Security Testing

Mobile Apps Security Testing Mobile applications just like any other technology require precise security testing in order to prevent security breaches and enhance the user experience. Mobile pentesting is a service offered by leading testing companies in the industry, such as Hacken. The mobile environment requires specialized testing, which includes evaluating client safety, web security, hardware, and more. Penetration testing for... ❯❯❯

Drive to crypto businesses with more payment options at UTORG on-ramp

Drive to crypto businesses with more payment options at UTORG on-rampCrypto FinTech firm UTORG broke down some more silos that stymie mass crypto currency adoption by adding 5 alternative payment methods to its solution. With more checkout options on board, this on-ramp service extends the comfort zone where buying popular coins is fast and easy to almost 200 countries on all continents and in all regions, except for Antarctica.  Indeed, the vast majority of on-ramp services only allow checking out... ❯❯❯

Best Places to Buy Bitcoin Instantly

Have you ever considered investing in Bitcoin? Given how much talk there is about cryptocurrency these days, the idea may appeal to you. But the conversation about cryptocurrency goes in many directions. If you stumble upon a Facebook crypto group or Bitcoin tweets, it can seem a little daunting. As a complete beginner, you don’t have to worry about developing the perfect investment strategy. The first step is to learn how to buy... ❯❯❯

Rainbow Token: The Whitepaper

In 2021, projects on the Binance Smart Chain became very popular. Now you can see the release of hundreds of projects based on the BSC. Each of these new projects is competitive in one area or another. Some are unique in their way from a trade point of view. One of these projects is Rainbow Token (RAINBOW). What is RAINBOW Immediately after the release, the RAINBOW cryptocurrency made a splash, selling more than $ 210,000 tokens in 6... ❯❯❯

3 Important Services That Trading Platforms Should Provide

3 Important Services That Trading Platforms Should ProvideOnline brokers have become a massive deal in the trading market, and they've given rise to the influx of investors willing to take the risk in crypto trading. Aside from the added convenience of being accessible at any time, there are many more added benefits of trading with an online platform. Traders get to enjoy unlimited access to their online broker, quick and easy for opening, closing, and managing market positions. Investors... ❯❯❯

How to Trade Cryptocurrency with Leverage

How to Trade Cryptocurrency with LeverageInvesting in cryptocurrencies has grown in popularity in recent years to acquire access to significant earnings through successful trading. Many traders have heard the term "Leverage Trading," but few understand what it means. Margin Trading, also known as Leverage Trading, is trading in cryptocurrency with borrowed funds. If you want to deal with cryptocurrencies, leverage trading is the way to go. It enables you to borrow money from... ❯❯❯

Do Turkey’s Troubles Mean Bad News for the Commodities Market?

Do Turkey’s Troubles Mean Bad News for the Commodities Market?Since the pandemic began a large demand/supply imbalance in the commodities market led to rising prices, with some rates being unprecedented. Higher costs for consumers are a major headwind for the global economy and countries known as large exporters play a crucial role in balancing the situation. In the case of Turkey, problems come from different fronts, including internal politics, border issues due to the withdrawal of the US... ❯❯❯

Coinrise – becoming financially independent!

Coinrise – becoming financially independent!What is Coinrise? Coinrise is a premium online trading platform offering professional services for traders living all around the world. The brand is owned by a Canadian-based company and benefits from combined years of experience with clients from many different sectors. This was the main denominator that eventually led to the creation of a secure, advanced, and user-friendly platform, offering traders the user experience they... ❯❯❯

Five alternatives to bitcoin. Top 5 most rapidly growing cryptocurrencies

Five alternatives to bitcoin. Top 5 most rapidly growing cryptocurrenciesThere are several explanations for why bitcoin has been constantly setting price records lately: if in February the price of the "coin" first exceeded $50,000, in March it already rose to $60,000, and the market capitalization of the world's most popular cryptocurrency exceeded a trillion dollars. First of all, the rise in price is commonly associated with the consequences of the pandemic: developed countries have thrown out huge sums... ❯❯❯

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